Saturday, March 28, 2009

Plan Book is gone

We have finished our Plan Book and met our deadline. Thanks to the hard work of many of you, the Plan Book is a solid document outline our communications and marketing plan for TCC's binge drinking campaign. A special thanks goes to student David Brott for his tireless effort to make sure this assignment did not fall to the wayside. Please join Todd and I in thanking David for his hard work. But, make no mistake about this, all of you put forth a great effort. What did we learn from this? Well, essentially that you can't wait til the last minute to do an advertising-marketing campaign. The late nights were brutal. They could have been avoided. That's the attitude we need as we prepare our presentation, final ads and our backdrop and power point. Let's get with it......

One final note....all of us are very greatful for the effort that Mr. Todd Lucas put forth as he helped guide all of our students through the last details of preparing our Plan Book. Mr. Lucas exemplifies that type of professor our university needs. Without him, his expertise, his passion and his resolve to help us "get this done" we would not have made deadline. Bottom line! Please, all of you, go up to Mr. Lucas and thank him for his efforts of making sure the Plan Book was printed and ready to go.....And, the best way to thank him is to work hard on our remaining task. We have an opportunity to make our university shine and to show that our students belong right up there with all the big boys and girls in other universities. It's up to you all......Can we do it?


  1. Thank You Both Mr. Lucas and Dr. Flores for your tireless efforts...especially for taking time out of both of your schedules to make sure there was a place to work. I cannot express enough my appreciation for the work put forth by everyone, but especially David, without whom we would have been even more crunched for time. Thanks Again

  2. Many thanks for the kind comments. I was just the guy on the collating keyboard so all of oters hard work was routed through my machine.

    There were many Heroes in the wee hours of the morning. Edwin kept us rolling and was always standing by for any task. Tonya with her flying fingers turning out missing copy and graphs. Todd, who show me the way when I found myself lost deep in uncharted areas of Adobe Land. And for myself, many thanks Joe. He had my back all night and really stood by me when I was about to hit the wall around 3:00 or 4:00.
