Sunday, June 7, 2009

Advertising Team to present Tuesday at Corpus Christi Town Club

Okay guys...first, the presenters will be PRESENTING Tuesday, June 9, at the Corpus Christi Town Club. All presenters are asked to meet at the Comm-TA Building Monday at 130 p.m. for practice. We have to make plans to go to CC Tuesday. Please call if if you have questions. Dr. Flores

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jenny is home!!!

Just a note to let you know that Jenny Garcia is home now and recuperating from her injuries. We wish her well.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jenny Garcia has car accident

Just a note to the class that Jennifer Garcia was involved in a car accident Wednesday. She is in Memorial Hospital in Corpus Christi but doing well. Nothing terribly serious, from what we hear. Keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Final grades and money due

First, from Todd and Dr. Flores, thank you very much for participating in our class this year. We are very proud of all of you for your hard work and, more importantly, for representing our university in the National Student Advertising Competition. We did very well, as far as we are concerned.

Second, thank you for completing the end-of-year evaluations. Most of you did very well in your peer reviews. Dr. Flores will post final grades early this week, if all your work is done.

Third, you must get your T-shirt money in as soon as possible for Dr. Flores to post your grade. The agreement was to sell $50 to $100 for the poster (which we did not do) or to sell $50 worth of t-shirts. Some of you still have T-shirt money out. Please pay as soon as possible by contacting Dr. Flores in the Comm-TA office. If not, please anticipate an "I" since the advertising portion of your class is not complete.

Hope all of you have a great summer.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wrapping Up The Class

As we come to an end of the school year, please remember that we still have things to do in the class. First, each one of you must sell five t-shirts. If you recall, we had two fund raising proposals. One was to sell ads for a flier, which only Lisa Lane. Greg and I believe Al contributed to this semester. We had about $80 come in. The second was for us to sell the A&I/AMK t-shirts. Each one of you was issued five to try sell at $10 each. If each of you sell those t-shirts, each of you will bring in $50 x 12 and we will make $600. That will pay for some of our printing expenses for the shirts. Remember, the South Texan sold about 25 and we have that money. Please bring in your money as soon as possible. Also, please remember we have our peer and class evaluation next Tuesday, May 5 (Cinco de Mayo). All of you are urged for you to come to this class. After that, if you turn in your money, we are basically over. We would like to have an end-of-year party, but that's entirely up to the class. We will review this on Tuesday. Well, please sell those shirts...we need it to at least pay our bill.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

14th is not last place at AAF

Well, it's over - presentationwise.

After three months (more for some of us who started with Principles of Advertising in the fall semester) of working hard to prepare for our presentation at the National Student Advertising Competition for the 10th District of the American Advertising Federation, we are done.

Our presentation last Thursday was as solid as it could be. We finished 14th out of 14 universities that presented. But, in no way does that mean we were last. There are more than 150 universities and colleges in District 10. Of those, only 21 inquired about participating. Of those, only 17 met the first deadline. Of those, only 14 presented.

Our team had the courage to proceed, persevere and compete against universities with tremendous reputations in this arena. It would have been difficult, at best, for us to finish in the Top 5. Our goal always was to finish in the Top 7 (50%), but even that became an issue when our Plan Book lacked many of the attributes needed to complete solidly in that area. When that happened, both Todd and I knew that our presentation had to be more than solid for us to have a respectable finish. It had to be perfect.

We practiced, edited material, made changes at the last minutes and even had a practice at the actual site. All seemed to work well....and then...the video intro and conclusion that were so crucial to solidify our message fell through. Technology let us down, and with that our fate was sealed.

This in no way takes away from the stellar efforts of the majority of our class. Both Todd and I witnessed a little magic during the last few weeks as we struggled with novice advertising students to reach for greatness. For a few fading moments, it seemed as if we were going to reach for the stars and bring them down to TAMUK where they would shine brightly on us. It actually happened a few times when we were practicing....I even got some goose bumps and chills during one of the presentations when I realized it "could happen." I wiped a tear from my eye and wondered, "Can it become reality?"

Alas, it did not. The final technological failure and slow start by our presenters pretty much denied us that shining moment.

But, there were many more shining moments....we came together as a team. We cared for each other and worked hard to make each other improve. We worried about one another and we (all of us) saw the potential for greatness. I know that most of you felt it...I know that most of you believed....and Todd and I also know that all of you are the better for the experience you had this past week.

Now, we move on. The final lesson is that one never gives up. One works hard to achieve something and when you leave your heart and soul on the field of play, you realize that you did your best and sometimes fate and circumstances take over.

A special thanks to all our presenters - Tania, Jennifer, Savannah and Melinda. Some of you grew up and matured a little during the last week. It was actually "fun" to see you start thinking like scholars and, for some, adults. It was actually gratifying to see you move from that awkward college student toward a confident, self-assured young person ready to take on the world. Some of you understood what academic courage is all about, for the first time.

Our technical team of Dave and Al and others were simply great. The failure at the end had nothing to do with them. It just happened.

Our research team composed of old men JR and Edwin and Joe Hamon simply did a great job. Our inability, however, to transfer that to the Plan Book, hurt.

Other team members like Skye, Lisa and Greg helped in sundry ways, raising funds for our trips, taking pictures or helping with the props. All worked hard. Thanks!

All of you were great and you showed that Javelinas do not quit. You could have, you know. You could have walked off and said "Dr. Flores, Mr. Lucas, we can't do this." I guess the thought never crossed your mind. Right?

I want you to know that we are very proud of did not finish finished, and that's more than most of the universities in District 10 can say.

Congratulations for a job well done...and, see you in class.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is a reminder that we are leaving tomorrow (Wednesday) for Houston. We will meet in the Manning Hall Parking Lot at 10 and hopefully be on the way by 10:30 a.m. You can leave your luggage, if you come early, in my office in Comm-TA or in the Art Building. You will need at least $50 to travel. Everything else should be taken care of. We are taking two vans. One will be used for luggage. Pack light. Presenters, remember to coordinate your dress for our performance. Every one must take the navy blue t-shirt which we will wear Thursday. Okay? Please call Todd or I if you have any questions. We are staying at the JW Marriott Hotel Houston at 5150 Westheimer Road. The phone number there is 713-599-2257.

REMINDER - Practice Run Today

Just a reminder, we are practicing our presentation in MSUB 221A today at 4 p.m. We are doing a "dress rehearsal" going from start to finish with all the presenters "ready to go". I hope we can do this three or four times today. David, please make sure we can set up. We have the room from if you have questions.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Presenters Practice, final PPoint, Radio TV ads

Presenters, please remember that practice is on your own. You must make plans to practice this weekend, and Monday, on your own. We will have a "dress rehearsal" on Tuesday in a room at the Memorial Student Union Building. This "dress rehearsal" will be during class. Juan Carlos Reyes, our Javelina Press Club VP, is securing a room for us today and we will post the information later. We will have the room from 330 to 630 that day to make the practice as realistic as possible. Also joining us on that day wil be Speech Instructor Paul Roberts. He will help evaluate the peformance. In addition, by this time, we should have the final selections on presenters. Attendance in practice this weekend is a big criteria. If a person does not show up to practice, how can that person be ready to perform? Keep that in mind as you schedule your own practices. In addition, please remember that the original vote had Melinda as an alternate (for all of the presenters). Regardless of the final results, she must be ready to perform in case of an emergency. Also, that means that if someone is just not making the cut at our practices, she must be ready to step in and do the job. Well, good luck. Oh, don't forget to contact David Brott about the power point and also Al Andaya about the radio ads. Everything must be ready to go on Tuesday. Every thing!

New judge for competition

Got this message from the Houston AAF person in charge of our competition. We have a new judge. Check it out

Hi, all! Just one exciting, exhausting week away from D10’s NSAC! Because of an unavoidable conflict, Ryan Berman will not be able to judge our competition. Replacing him is the incredibly talented and judging-experienced Bryan Kramer of PureMatter in San Jose. His bio is below. If you have any questions, please let me know.


Bryan Kramer

Bryan is President of PureMatter Brand Marketing + Interactive, an award-winning, full-service agency located in San Jose, California. His background is in advertising, public relations and online marketing with a focus on integrated communications and strategic business planning. Prior to forming PureMatter, he was a managing executive and interactive strategist for top agencies in Silicon Valley. Bryan is past president of the AdPlus of Silicon Valley, an active member of San Jose Rotary and currently serves as the VP of Marketing on the executive board for the Silicon Valley Boy Scouts. Through Bryan’s leadership, PureMatter has won over 100 awards locally, nationally and internationally, including being named one of the 50 fastest privately growing companies in Silicon Valley over the last two years and winning the coveted ADDY level trophy plus eleven more honors. Bryan’s vision for PureMatter is to bring 'serious fun' into all aspects of the creative process, and they do have some serious fun!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Class Attendance!

Hey all....this is a message from those who were in class today and we decided that it is imperative that everyone shows up for the remaining class days. Obviously, there is not much time left so everyone's input is extremely important. Your grade will be affected drastically if you do not take the initiative to participate (a rough figure is 5 points deducted from your overall average per day missed. By the way today is a free prepared to work starting Tuesday.

Script ideas

Use this blog to post your ideas on the script. Remember, we need some dramatic element to open up and one main spokesperson at the start. The main speaker set the stage by explaining who we are, introducing our team and then explaining what we are going do...followed by something dramatic. That's one option, being professionals. You all will also have business card to hand out.....Second option, hit them with a surprise them a video that is dramatic, poignant and provocative....then do the explanation.......

Dr. Flores

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March Madness was just that

A special thanks to Greg Stelfox and all who worked with him to try to organize our March Madness Basketball Tournament - Kingsville Style. Unfortunately, you can't fight fate. Only one team showed up - the Border Patrol - and it would up playing an intrasquad game. All the other teams - all police or county police or fire departments - were put on call or called in to work during the "chase" in the northside of our campus that day. That meant that they could not show up to "play ball" in our tournament. We still made some money and that was used to mail our Plan Book to Washington, D.C. and to San Antonio. It's a shame...this tournament was going to get us about $500 for travel. We made $80. Still, the effort was appreciated. Thanks again to Greg and all who helped.

Plan Book is gone

We have finished our Plan Book and met our deadline. Thanks to the hard work of many of you, the Plan Book is a solid document outline our communications and marketing plan for TCC's binge drinking campaign. A special thanks goes to student David Brott for his tireless effort to make sure this assignment did not fall to the wayside. Please join Todd and I in thanking David for his hard work. But, make no mistake about this, all of you put forth a great effort. What did we learn from this? Well, essentially that you can't wait til the last minute to do an advertising-marketing campaign. The late nights were brutal. They could have been avoided. That's the attitude we need as we prepare our presentation, final ads and our backdrop and power point. Let's get with it......

One final note....all of us are very greatful for the effort that Mr. Todd Lucas put forth as he helped guide all of our students through the last details of preparing our Plan Book. Mr. Lucas exemplifies that type of professor our university needs. Without him, his expertise, his passion and his resolve to help us "get this done" we would not have made deadline. Bottom line! Please, all of you, go up to Mr. Lucas and thank him for his efforts of making sure the Plan Book was printed and ready to go.....And, the best way to thank him is to work hard on our remaining task. We have an opportunity to make our university shine and to show that our students belong right up there with all the big boys and girls in other universities. It's up to you all......Can we do it?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Make Plans for March Madness Fund Raiser

Plans for our March Madness basketball fund raisers are going well. Greg will have a report for us Tuesday by phone and we probably need to do some legwork to make sure we are all up to date. Remember, see you Tuesday.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring Break Work - Tuesday March 17

We are tentatively plan to show up for work in the Art Room at 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 17. Please let us know if you can't show up on this date by posing a comment on this blog.

Definition of Binge Drinking

The major popularizer of the misleading term binge to refer to the consumption of five drinks (four for a woman) which may have occurred over the period of an entire day and evening, Henry Wechsler, has now acknowledged publicly that his definition of binging doesn't require that the "binger" be intoxicated.

Traditionally and medically, the term binge refers to a period of intoxication lasting at least two days during which time the binger drops out of usual life activities and responsibilities. It's associated with alcohol addiction and serious drinking problems. A binge without intoxication is nonsensical.

Using the term binge to refer to sober behavior is deceptive and misleading, at best. Many leading researchers, as well as a coalition of 21 higher education associations, has called for an end to the incorrect use of this emotion-laden term


According to the last poll we did with the class.....the name of our advertising team is


Let's use this with a design in anything we do.....David and Al, you are in charge of making sure of this...

Good News! We have some funding

The following message was sent to tus yesterday by Dr. Duane Gardiner.

Dr. Flores,

Although some of the normal QEP requirements were not met in your proposal for COMM 4306/COMJ 5303, we will be able to offer some funding in support of your project. You are awarded $2500 for undergraduate student travel to the American Advertising Federation competition in April 2009. The QEP cannot support graduate student activities. Please confer with our travel office to ensure that all travel requirements are satisfied. The account to use for travel expenses is 218080, Student Engagement.

Best wishes for a successful engagement activity.


Duane T. Gardiner

Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

College Hall 250, MSC 102

Texas A&M University Kingsville

Kingsville, Texas 78363

office: 361-593-3098 cell: 361-219-8681

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Workday Thursday March 12 (at night)

The class will meet Thursday, March 12, at night until ???? p.m. to work on the Project Plan Book. David Brott will be in charge of the gathering. Please make plans to attend and spend as much time as possible to organize the Plan Book. The book must be "mailed" to Washington, D.C., by March 26 so that it can get there by March 31. This is very important. Please call Todd Lucas or Dr. Manuel Flores if you have any questions.

AAF Deadlines Approaching

As we approach spring break it is essential that we know our deadlines.....Here are some dates for us to remember...

*Friday, March 13 - Team roster is due at national, 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. We must send this out Tuesday, March 10 to assure it gets there on time.
*Tuesday, March 31 - Plan books are due at national and to Beverly Ingle in Houston by 5 p.m. EST. That means we must mail it prior to this date to assure they get there. We must send 11 copies to Beverly Ingle, at Guerra DeBerry Coody, 122 E. Houston St., San Antonio, Texas, 78205. Let's get moving on this.
We must also send 1 copy and our plan book to Monika Ellis at AAF, 1101 Vermont Ave, NW Suite 500, Washington DC, 20005
*Wednesday, April 8 - The TAMUK 2009 AD Team list of presenters is due to nationals and to Beverly Ingle at 5 p.m. EST, April 8.

Lots of work guys y gals...we need to start writing, proof and get the plan book moving. We also need to start shooting and recording TV and radio ads. Those of you in charge of these different duties know who you are . . . .START!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Field Work at Mile Marker 113

Three team members - Tania, Melinda, Edwin - and I (Dr. Manuel Flores) travelled to Mile Marker 113 just south of San Antonio on Interstate 37 to do some field work and continue our survey with potential spring breakers. While there, we teamed with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to distribute information about the dangers of alcohol abuse and binge drinking. During the two hours we were there, more than 50 potential spring breakers showed up and all completed our survey. We distributed our binge drinking brochure and displayed our poster (which had some misspellings but was very effective). Except for an unfortunate accident suffered by the professor, everything turned out fine.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Pledge......

Seems like "I Pledge" will be our campaign slant for the TCC. Here are some of the "pledges" Mr. Lucas sent to you via email, in case you missed them. See you Tuesday....

I pledge:
1. Not to kill child
2. Resposiblity
3. Not to go to class hungover
4. No to puke my guts out
5. To remember the night before.
6. Die of old age
7. Stay on my feet (no keg stands)
8. To not flood my apartment.
9. Not swim with my cellphone
10. Pee in my pants
11. Loose my panties
12. Fall ( off something)
13. Written on
14. Tattoos
15. Howl at the moon
16. Not to Wake up in a strange place.
17. Fall asleep with my face in the toilet
18. To humiliated
19. Not to appear on Utube again
20. No cop car, handcuffs
21. I pledge to keep my cloths on.
22. Self image
23. Not to let another friend die
24. Never to go to jail again.
25. Epitaphs
26. Never to be superman
27. To graduate
28. Keep teeth
29. To not eat all my roomates food
30. Remember the nght
31. Talk to inanimate objects
32. No cage dancing
33. To not sing michael Jackson
34. No to walk into walls
35. No to get married
36. not to chace animals
37. not to go cow tipping
38. not to interrupt teacher in class
39. not to drunk dial
40. not to fall in to tub of ice
41. not to pimp my friends
42. not to drink and drive
43. stay under the limit
44. never to drink again when I am the designated driver
45. to remember NO means NO
46. MIP
47. Indecit exposure
48. Fall down stairs
49. Remember my name
50. Wake up tomorrow
51. Fall asleep again on the toilet
52. To keep my secrets
53. Throw up on parents
54. Not Runover my dog
55. Wake up in mexico
56. call a cab
57. not to drink charcoal again
58. drunk texting
59. eat 10 cheeseburgers
60. keep the room from spinning
61. I pledge to be a man
62. piercengs
63. no flashing
64. to show my boobs
65. not to flash unless there are beads
66. to get a profession
67. to get a life
68. not to get stupid
69. to live a life
70. to keep my liver
71. to pass up a sell
72. not to start the day with a bottle
73. hit and run
74. not to lay my life on the line
75. not to risk life
76. not to sacrifice my youth
77. nonviolence
78. to be in the clear
79. take care of my body
80. start a fire
81. to use my brain
82. drown in my own tub
83. not to leave my family
84. not to sacrifice my family
85. not to put my friends in danger
86. not to kill and innocent
87. not to be a bad mistake
88. to have no regrets
89. not to be the victum
90. to stay in control
91. not to be taken advantage of
92. to open my eyes
93. pledge to not pull a _______(insert a celebrity name)
94. to be original
95. nick nolty
96. to control actions
97. to know the facts
98. not to be like that guy
99. not to table dance
100. to make it home
101. to open the garage door first
102. to remember where I left my car
103. not to steal
104. not to leave a trail

Commercial ideas:

1. “I pledge” then cut away to scene
2. 100 pledges book
3. shots a scene for each bad thing the person will do.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Final Survey Questionnaire

Advertising project - Survey 2009
Sex: ☐Male ☐Female
Age: ☐18 ☐19 ☐20 ☐21 ☐22 ☐23 ☐24 ☐other
Race: ☐White ☐Hispanic ☐African-American ☐other

Questions (Note: This is an anonymous survey so don’t be afraid to answer any of the following questions.)

1. At what age did you begin drinking?
☐<10 ☐11 ☐12 ☐13 ☐14 ☐15 ☐16 ☐17 ☐18 ☐19 ☐20 ☐21 ☐Do not drink

2. How many drinks do you usually drink at a function or social event (party or wedding)?
☐0 ☐1 ☐2 ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐6 ☐7 ☐8 ☐9 ☐More

3. Has drinking been a source that has caused you to fall behind at school or work?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

4. Are you currently in a relationship?
☐Yes ☐No If yes, does your partner consume alcohol? ☐Yes ☐No

5. Have you ever driven after a night of binge drinking?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

6. Do you drink to escape your worries?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

7. Do you think binge drinking is a serious problem?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

8. Have you ever had medical treatment after a night of binge drinking?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

9. How often in a 30-day period have you gone binge drinking?
☐0x ☐1x ☐2x ☐3x ☐4x ☐5x ☐6x ☐7x ☐8x ☐9x ☐More

10. Were you raised in a single-parent family (at any time in your life, if so for how long)?
☐Yes ☐No If yes, how many years: ☐1 ☐2 ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐6 ☐7 ☐8 ☐More

11. Have you spend more on alcohol that was supposed to be spent on other things. (books,food)?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

12. Do you drink to help you feel more comfortable in social situations?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

13.Have you ever done something that you have regretted after a night of binge drinking?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

14. Did you ever have an inappropriate sexual encounter after binge drinking?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

15. Have you ever lied about your drinking?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

16.Have you ever have trouble remembering what happened as result of your drinking.(black out)?
☐Yes ☐No ☐Maybe

17. Define binge drinking in your own words on the back.

18. Who introduced you to drinking?
☐Friend ☐Sibling ☐Parent ☐Roomate ☐Relative other ☐ Social/professional group ☐Other

Race to the AAF Deadline

TAMUK 2009 Advertising Team
Race to the Deadline

April 22 - •Trip to AAF Houston
April 21 - •Rehearsal
April 16 - •Final Rehearsal
April 14 - •Presentation team Rehearsal
April 9 - •Team reviews critique of performance.
April 7 - •Team presents in large auditorium
March 31 – •Plan book due at AAF
March 26 – •Presentation Team Practice with Mr. Paul
March 24 – •Presentation Team Practice with Mr. Paul
March 17 – •Final Plan Book presented and ready to
•Presentation Team final script ready
March 12 – •Press book put on final design template
March 10 – •Discussion on graphs and photography reviewed
•Presentation team compares graphs and
photography ideas with design team
March 5 – •Design for Plan Book Reviewed
•Presentation team outlines script
March 3 – •First draft for Plan Book ready
Feb. 26 – •Writers and designers for Plan Book Assemble

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Slogan consideration

Hope you all see this. In discussions with other students, it was suggested that the slogans we picked were generic and more promotional than speaking directly to the menace of binge drinking to the 18-24 target market. It was suggested that a preventative slogan a la Jonas Brothers abstinence pledge be considered. So something like bInge with a capital I to emphasize the I could be used....since this is the millenial generation consumed with oneself...and then, at the top something like pledge to not Binge Drink during the rites of passage such as 18th birthday, 21st birthday, 1st spring break, 1st tailgate, 1st pledging, etc...just a thought...but the main thing is...we are not thinking preventively....

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Below is a list of our advertising teams plus some deadlines each must comply with. A "D" by your name means you are one of the directors for this group.

Finance Team – Tania Garcia-D, Jennifer Garcia-D, Joe Hamon, Skye Limon, Greg Stelfox, Lisa Lane.

This team must secure as much financing as possible. It is in charge of the flier/poster that is expected to raise at least $1,000 for us and also of making sure our fund-raising money is deposited into the Javelina Press Club account.

Research Team – J.R. Quintanilla-D, Edwin Vasquez-D, , Joe Hamon-D, Jennifer García, Tania García, Melinda Sepulveda, Savannah Martínez.

This team must make sure that the questions for our survey are ready and have been validated before general distribution. Also, it is in charge of coordinating the Focus Group study. The survey and the focus group study must be done within the next 10 days. It is responsible, also, for writing the research section of the Plan Book and Presentation and assisting with graphics for the Plan Book and Presentation.

Graphics and Production Team – David Brott-D, Al Andaya-D, Gregorio Stelfox, Lisa Lane, Jennifer García, Savannah Martínez.

This group is responsible for establishing the graphic pattern representation for our team in every element, including the Plan Book and the Presentation. The team is also responsible for a graphic and video information, including the shooting and editing of the television commercials and the recording of the radio commercials. It is also responsible for any guerrilla tactics developed by our team.

Plan Book Team – David Brott-D, D-Al Andaya, J.R. Quintanilla-D, Greg Stelfox, Edwin Vasquez, Savannah Martínez, Skye Limon, Tania García, Jennifer García, Lisa Lane.

This team must develop the design of the Plan Book, make sure it is followed throughout every page, and make sure it is sent off to AAF on deadline. The team must also develop the "material or text" for the Plan Book and ensure that it correlates with the script and power point of the Presentation Team.

Presentation Team – (To be Determined).

This team is responsible for all of the Presentation. It must coordinate practices, write the script and ask for any special effects it feels is needed for the presentation. The team will work closely with the Graphics and Production Team.

Costume/Stagecraft Team – Savannah Martinez-D, Skye Limon-AD, Lisa Lane.

This team must make sure we have enough money to afford our "shirts" and "uniforms." It will also work with the Presentation Team to decide the style of dress during the presentation. Last year, for example, the group decided our presenters would go "business casual" while the rest of the team wore light yellow polo shirts to the presentation.

Of course, the students in the class have final say so as to the duties and responsibilities of each team. This is YOUR TEAM.

Presenters Tally - How did you stack up?

Todd and I both want to thank all of the students on our team who tried out to become presenters. What you did was not easy. Speaking in front of any audience is difficult. Trying to follow a power point while a spot light is shining at you makes it even harder. Trying to deal with technological challenges complicates the matter even more. All of these elements were imposed upon our aspiring presenters because what they will face in real life at the National Advertising Student Competition sponsored by the American Advertising Federation is even tougher. So, it's a good test run.

The presenters were judged by a panel of experts, including a representative from Texas A&M University-Kingsville Advertising firm. Here is how they ranked our presenters.

1) Lisa Lane
2) Tania Garcia
3) Savannah Martinez

They picked these three as presenters, in no particular order.

They picked the following as alternates to be chosen by us, in this order.
4) Jennifer Garcia
5) Melinda Sepulveda
6) David Brott

Todd and I still have to tally our thoughts and those of the students (some students have yet to rank our presenters). We will be announcing the choices at Tuesday's class.

Well, don't stress. Every one has a role to play on this team and all of us will work very hard to make sure we give ourselves the best chance to succeed and to make a positive impression for our team and our university.

They left it up to the class to break up the tie at the bottom but were adamant about keeping the top three presenters in the final presentation team. We can have as many as four presenters plus a "techie" in our presentation team. That means we can have four presenters, 1 alternate and one techie....for our purposes. I will double-check on that buy for now we have at least a start and it's time to get to work. Again, all of you did wonderful.

Pick a slogan blog postings here Sunday, Feb. 15, 4 p.m.

Hello class and Happy Belated Valentine's Day. Todd and I hope all of you had a special something from a special someone that you feel makes you feel as special as you are. If not, Todd and I say, "You're special!"

Today we will be selecting a slogan, or two or three to test in our Focus Group study set sometime during the next 10 days at a place and time still to be disclosed. The Research team directors - J.R. Quintanilla, Edwin Vasquez and Joe Hamon - must coordinate the focus group study. The research team will also direct the survey and questionnaire that all of the team members will distribute sometime next week.

Below are the slogans you voted to research and vote on during our last class meeting. I added one we discussed earlier this year but somehow forgot during our discussion last week. The slogan was developed by Joe Hamon's group during the Principles of Advertising class last fall. It's "How Grim Is Your Life?" So, here it goes.......buena suerte (good luck)!

Possible Slogans
Tell yourself what your limit is - Tania

Take Control of Your Life - Jennifer

Binge now, pay later - Skye

Don’t make binge drinking a rite of passage - Savannah

Know Your Limits - Al

Don’t be a the bottom of the barrel – J.R.

How does your life stack up? - Melinda

Drink up, Go Down - Joe

Don’t let binge drink decide your future - Melinda

How Grim is Your Life? - Joe

Well, good luck with this. Call if you have questions.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Uniform discussion

We need to review our decision for "uniforms" or "dress" for the April conference and for publicity photos. We need to know what costs are entailed and if we want to secure sponsorship for this part of our expenses. Savannah, if you are in charge of this, lets take care of it by next Tuesday.

Advertising Team Poster - Ad letters ready

In our last class meeting it was decided that we again do our Advertising Team flier/poster. It was also decided at that time that we sell "spots" on the flier/poster. The discussion centered on selling business card size ads at $25. Two times that size at $50 and three times business card size for $100. Essentially, business card size is 2X2 inches, twice that size is 4X4 inches and four times that 6X6. Some business, however, will be satisfied by printing of their logo, address and phone number. We can do that, as well. Each one of us was to sell $100 worth of ads.

Also, the letter for the advertisers is ready. I will have some for class and others are available from Mrs. Ilda Ruiz in the Comm-TA office in the Speech Building. We need to discuss this.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Research Team Blog set for 4 p.m. Sunday

Remember, J.R. Quintanilla will be manning this post starting at 4 p.m. Sunday. Sign in the regular way and wait for J.R. to "comment" on the blog. The rest of the students can than "comment" and make suggestions. Do not make your posts too long. Keep it short and get to the point. Good luck. Oh, I will be on the way to the wake for the brother of Ilda's brother in Sinton. Call if you have quetions. I will try to answer.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Presentation Candidates to Present at Little Theatre Tuesday, Feb. 10

The Advanced Advertising class students who signed up to try out for the presentation team will do their presentations, Tuesday, Feb. 10, in the Little Theatre located in the Speech Building. Be prepared to present at least a 5-minute advertising/marketing/communications plan presentation on the business you been assigned. You are playing the role of the advertising agent trying to get the business of the account you have been assigned.

The candidates and their assignment are:

(1) Lisa Lane - Susann's Custom Jewelers
(2) Jennifer Garcia - A&B Hearing Aid & Audiology Center
(3) Savannah Martinez - JoJo Boutique/Salon Palomo
(4) Tania Garcia - "Visionarios" or The South Texas Art Museum
(5) Melinda Sepulveda - Bruno's Bath House
(6) David Brott - Knuckleheads
(7) Greg Stelfox - Dentures

The class, the professors and maybe an outside professional will work in deciding who the four "presenters" on the "presentation team" will be. Good luck!

Good luck

Friday, January 30, 2009

Finance Team Report

On January 29, 2009, the finance team met before class. We decided that we are going to have a bake sale to be held on February 12, 2009, at the student union building from 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Any donated baked items from the advanced advertising class members are greatly appreciated. If you are able to work/attend the bake sale during that time, please do so. Also, the $35 fee toward the membership in the American Advertising Federation needs to be paid by February 7, 2009. Therefore, we will start collecting the $35 on Tuesday February 3, 2009, and it needs to be given to Lisa Lane or a member of the finance team no later than February 5, 2009 during class. Last but not least, remember to start looking for people/businesses/organizations to donate for the ad. As discussed in class, the ads can be sold for $25, $50, & $100+, depending on the size of the ad wanted.

That's all for now,
Lisa Lane

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tryouts for Presentation Team Feb. 10

Those students who signed up to tryout to be "presenters" will do their auditions on Feb. 10. On Feb. 3 Mr. Todd Lucas. M.F.A, and Dr. Manuel Flores will give each of you a prompt. You will have all week to prepare for a 5-minute presentation on the subject you have been handed. The class will then pick four prsenters and as many alternates as they want. This selection does not include the technican. Please all Mr. Lucas or Dr. Flores if you have any questions.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Finance Team – Tania García, Jennifer García, Joe Hamon, Skye Limon, Greg Stelfox, Lisa Lane

Research Team – J.R. Quintanilla, Edwin Vasquez, Jennifer García, Tania García, Melinda Sepulveda, Joe Hamon, Savannah Martínez

Graphics and Production Team – Gregorio Stelfox, David Brott, Al Andaya, Lisa Lane, Jennifer García, Savannah Martínez

Plan Book Team – J.R. Quintanilla, David Brott, Greg Stelfox, Edwin Vasquez, Savannah Martínez, Skye Limon, Tania García, Jennifer García, Lisa Lane, Al Andaya

Presentation Team – (Tryout) Lisa Lane, Jennifer García, Savannah Martínez, Gregorio Stelfox, Joe Hamon, Tania García, Melinda Sepulveda.

Costume/Stagecraft Team – Savannah Martínez, Skye Limon, Lisa Lane

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome to TAMUK Advertising

Welcome to the blogsite for the 2009 Texas A&M University-Kingsville American Advertising Federation 2009 team. Our team will compete in the AAF District 10 National Student Advertising Competition in Houston, this April. TAMUK is competing against schools from four other states in District. Schools will come from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. Among the prominent universities in the competition are Oklahoma, Louisiana State, Oklahoma State, Texas, Texas Tech, Texas Christian University, Tulsa, Texas-Arlington and others. The TAMUK AD Team for 2009 is attempting to secure funds for its trip. It plans to raise most of its money with fund raisers and some school support. However, the $5,000 tab is hefty for us. If you would like to help, please contact Dr. Manuel Flores at 361-593-3401 or Todd Lucas, M.F.A., at 361-593-3050. Stay tuned to this blog to monitor our team's progress and to see how we do against bigger universities with established and prestigious advertising programs.